Feb 8, 2025

Moot on Rolling Forth the Wheel of the Teaching

(Being an Anglish rendering of the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, largely based on Bhikkhu Bodhi's translation and this Anglish dictionary. Fortunately this was a mostly simple project, though I've included endnotes for less straightforward renderings like names and special terms.)

Jan 24, 2025

What I read in 2024

     Time for the yearly roundup.  Despite being rather busy with work, travel, family matters, and other worldly affairs, I managed to squeeze in quite a bit of reading regardless.  As always, these are books that I finished in 2024, so I started reading the first few in late 2023, and there are a few I've started reading recently that will make it to next year's roundup (possibly next quarter; I keep meaning to do these more regularly, but I end up putting off my reflections too long).  I did read a few other books this year, but looking at my past posts, it seems silly to include entries with just a short, perfunctory paragraph amounting to "no comment".  So, for future posts of this kind, I am only including books I have comments for.