Catalogue of Quotations

    Here follows a collection of links to quotations on the subjects of concern to this blog.  I began recording passages of text in this manner to resolve my inability to highlight and mark up texts (it feels like defacement to me).  This, I think, has two merits above mere highlighting.  First, re-typing the passage of interest forces me to process it a second time, and slowly at that, so that I more properly absorb its content.  Second, categorizing them as I do below lets me periodically review a subject of momentary interest, and thus have a more focused consideration of the topic—since so few books are of such narrow focus, after all.

    This is notwithstanding a remark from Bryan Magee's exposition on Schopenhauer, in which Prof. Magee laments that the latter's rigidly systematic work has been chopped up into collections of aphorisms without context.  I do not dream this collection to be equivalent to the works cited within.

    A brief note on language.  I have endeavoured to find and include the original text for quotations in Pāli, Sanskrit, Japanese, or Chinese, since these are the four languages I am interested in at time of writing.  I have chosen to leave them out for long, prose segments partly for readability, and partly due to laziness.


Theology and Religion




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